Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers


Maximum of 1 per order! Please note that orders will automatically be cancelled for anything ordered above this amount. We like to provide everyone with the opportunity to purchase this item and request that you only make one order - not duplicate orders. All duplicated orders will be cancelled.

For quirky brides and brilliant colleagues.

The Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers is the perfect way to say Thank You or Congratulations, or simply to cheer up a friend. A stunning bundle of fluffy blooms, with stitch centres, suedette leaves, petals in pink, cream, purple and yellow, embroidered stems and a hessian wrap, this bunch is blooming gorgeous.

ONE SIZE - H12" X W9"

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Brittany Havers
Perfect bouquet!!

This is truly the cutest bouquet of flowers that will never die so it’s a great gift idea for any JellyCat fan!

Haiying Wang
Beautiful store with beautiful bouquet and niceset shop assistants

Love Kolkids and cool stuff plus great shop assistants

Jellycat Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers

Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers


Maximum of 1 per order! Please note that orders will automatically be cancelled for anything ordered above this amount. We like to provide everyone with the opportunity to purchase this item and request that you only make one order - not duplicate orders. All duplicated orders will be cancelled.

For quirky brides and brilliant colleagues.

The Amuseable Bouquet of Flowers is the perfect way to say Thank You or Congratulations, or simply to cheer up a friend. A stunning bundle of fluffy blooms, with stitch centres, suedette leaves, petals in pink, cream, purple and yellow, embroidered stems and a hessian wrap, this bunch is blooming gorgeous.

ONE SIZE - H12" X W9"

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